Lilburn | Retaining Wall Contractors

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Get inspired by looking at the full home remodeling we did on the Campbellton project. Avatar Contractors has everything you need for your home makeover.

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Atlanta Ga
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  • Remodeling
  • Demolition
  • Installation
  • Retaining Wall
  • Lot Clearing


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We are Available to help you Every Step of the way with your Construction Project.

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Absolutely! We specialize in adding features to existing pools. Our experts will evaluate your pool’s structure and provide you with options to enhance your pool’s functionality and beauty.

Regular maintenance is essential to keep your pool in top condition. This includes cleaning, chemical balancing, and equipment inspections. We offer maintenance packages to make this process convenient for you.

The timeline for pool installation can vary depending on the complexity of the project. On average, it takes around 6-10 weeks from excavation to the final finishing touches.

Costs vary widely based on factors like materials, size, and design. On average, you can expect to invest several thousand dollars.

It’s advisable to wait until the liner has settled, which usually takes a few days. Your installer will provide guidance on when it’s safe to swim.

Regular cleaning, water chemistry maintenance, and periodic inspections are essential to prolong the life of your newly remodeled pool.

Our team will guide you through the selection process to match your style and preferences.

Certainly! We offer options like waterfalls, fountains, and more to enhance the aesthetics of your pool.

The cost of installing an in-ground pool is typically higher than that of an above-ground pool and can range from $ 50,000 to $100,000 or more depending on the type of pool, size of the pool, extras such as landscaping, and other factors.
The most popular pool surfaces are vinyl, concrete, and fiberglass. Other options include gunite, pebble, or aggregate finishes. Your contractor will be able to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each and recommend the best surface option for your pool.
Yes, there may be additional costs associated with installing an in-ground pool, such as permits, taxes, equipment and delivery charges, extra labor costs, and more. Depending on your area, you may also have to pay a pool inspection fee.

We’re Professional and Certified

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